A Chat with the Artist: Marcus Leslie

You never know who you'll end up befriending in real life through social media, but I'm glad to have befriended Marcus. A follow via  twitter lead to a comment on his art, followed by a direct message and then a meeting of minds during an art gallery opening.


Originally from Seattle, Washington;  Marcus moved to NY  to make a something out of  himself, and to be inspired. Initially just traveling through the US, he decided to stay for a bit.

"I decided that it was here that I needed to be for a little while."

I had the chance to visit Marcus at his home and studio space where he was working on a new painting and have a chat. 


Do you know what this painting is going to be yet?

ML: Yeah I have an idea.

How long does it take you to finish a piece?

ML: it takes me 3 weeks to  a month to finish a piece because I don't paint it all at one time. I'll stop and come back.

You said you like more abstract art? Why? 

ML: All art is pretty much an abstraction, I like art that make you question reality more. Maybe something that is more unbelievable than believable.. something that's not from this world, something that's from someones mind. I feel like that is more real than realism painting.

Just a brief  inside look as I'm around to observe this artist's steady progression. I can't wait to see where this life journey takes Marcus, and I am happily here to support him. Check more of Marcus' work HERE